Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Say a prayer for me!

Devin got his driving permit! I am a nervous wreck! If I didn't have any grey hair I will soon! He is doing well I will always worry tho more about the other drivers cuz they suck allot! anyhow say a prayer for us cuz the road is a dangerous place! Thanks Tons and if you don't hear from me you should know I Love you all! Just a little funny and very true! TTYL!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

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2007 Halloween decorations

Halloween decorations from 2007 I will put up 2008 pics as soon as we are done. 2007 was our first year here and so it wasn't great. We had fun and allot of ideas that we could not get together in time hopefully this year! Also we have been told that this used to be the Best Halloween house in the neighborhood so we have allot to live up to I just wish I knew what they did that was so great! Happy Halloween see you soon!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Where did everyone go?

So my sisters where are you? I know you all are busy with all that life throws at ya but you got me blogging and so you gotta keep on blogging! Yes I am up late couldn't sleep hopefully soon! Weird month of October, I love Halloween but there is something else about it I haven't figured out what it is yet but I get more restless as it goes on. My next post will have some fun Halloween decoration pics for ya! Hope to talk to you all soon! Love ya!